
29 Art Reviews

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Ooh, I remember these two! They're so cute, you should do more art of them!

Ohhh, I like her design!

Nice abs and latex. Very well done

He looks so cool with that! Is it cool if I draw fanart of him in the future?

Dolphin-Chan69 responds:

sure! He has a multitude of references and outfits you can pick from. Lemme see if i have his official reference on hand.

I really love his long, pink hair and schoolgirl outfit; they look cute on him! I really hope I get to see more of him in the future!

Dolphin-Chan69 responds:

I haven't focused on him much lately since i may or may not have hyperfocused on him back in the summer, and now he totally wore off on me because i overused him but i can post some of my older art of him if you like.

It looks really good, I hope your mom’s doing alright!

Dolphin-Chan69 responds:

She's doing well. She recently got her tube out, but can't shower properly because of the hole in her stomach from the tube. If water gets in it could be really bad, but currently she's doing alright.

Interesting concept for this character! I like how she uses holograms to pull off such a convincing disguise!

The lighting on this is incredible; the gradual shading and subtle sun reflections really make Buttwitch stand out. And the way you contrast the background from the character is really nice. It puts more focus on her and makes the painting more 3-D. Arguably one of your best pieces!

The glow effects on her robe really make the outfit come to life! I also like the shading you did as a result of the glow!

Aspiring artist/animator experimenting with painting and lineart.

Joined on 9/25/21

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